As the welfare of our horses is our top priority, we are supported by an amazing team of professionals and businesses, whom we work alongside with to ensure our equines receive the best possible treatment they require.
We have also been very lucky to have been supported by some amazing people & companies! You can find all their details below, so please get in touch with them if their services would be of any use to you!
Pierre Antoye - Osteopath
Dylan Scheiche - Farrier
Anna George - Equine dentist
Anna Burgess - doggy daycare & grooming salon
Marcia waters - Tranquil waters counsiling
Carly white - Photography & events
Natasha Hou - Gardening & singing
Josh Barnes - Electrician
Paul Gracey - Construction
Dean Kear - charitable investor
Joanne Castle - yaxley carpets
Ellie Chamers - pet services
Ping HOu - Building
Arbour garden furniture
Peterborough feeds
Jonny Steel - woodchip